
Phew... It's been a long time, folks!

A lot has gone on since the many months it's been since my last post... We welcomed our third little one to the flock and we are officially a family of five! This is little PAS!
More updates to come one of these days... I promise!
xo, ams


Here goes nothin'...

Well, the goal is to get out there. To meet people. To show my work and my gorgeous clients to the world. And this is the first official day of that.

So - bear with me as I get going. As I learn more about myself and my business. As I try to train myself to post here regularly... My 365 project didn't make it like I'd planned, but this isn't so rigid.

Bear with me as I learn to balance life with a full time job, a growing business, a darling husband and our two favorite kids... Who will soon be the perfect babysitters to another favorite child.

And bear with me as I grow this little baby. We can hardly stand to wait for your arrival #3, but wait we will. And then you will most likely be the subject of my camera more than any one person could possibly imagine!

In the meantime... and as a priority - there will be clients! Beautiful, gorgeous clients!

much love